James F. Lubker Research Award

The Lubker Award was created to honor Dr. Jim Lubker, Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders (1995 - 2009), Dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts (1995 - 2005), and Interim Executive Vice President and Provost (2005 - 2009) at UNI. This award is an annual cash prize recognizing a UNI faculty member for excellence in their area of research and scholarship, including creative and performing arts. 

Nominees must be a tenured member of the University of Northern Iowa faculty with at least five years of full-time service at the time of nomination. Faculty are limited to receiving the award every ten years. 


  1. Department Head nominates one faculty member to Dean (include faculty CV)
  2. Following consultation with Faculty Senate, the Dean sends names of up to two nominees from COE, CSBS, and CBA, and four nominees from CHAS and the name of the college representative selected for the award committee to Graduate Studies.
  3. Graduate Studies informs nominees of selection and requests materials.


  1. Friday, October 18, 2024: Department nomination due to Dean by 4:30 p.m.
  2. Friday, November 1, 2024: Dean's nominations due to Graduate Studies by 4:30 p.m.
  3. Monday, February 10, 2025: Nominee's submission of digital materials due by 4:30 p.m.

Note: when possible, the composition should be CHAS (4); COE (2); CSBS (2); CBA (2)