Allocations & Graduate Funding We've summarized some important information pertinent to our guidelines and resources that will smooth our funding processes, allowing your program and students to grow and Master Tomorrow. Division of Graduate Studies ☰ Menu About Graduate Catalog & Policies Graduate Faculty Constitution Graduate Programs expand or collapse menu Arts & Humanities Behavioral & Health Sciences Business, Government & Nonprofit Education Science & Technology Accelerated Degree Options Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) All Programs & Degrees Graduate Admissions expand or collapse menu Pre-Application Post-Application Post-Admission Graduate Funding expand or collapse menu Application for Graduate Assistantship Tuition Scholarship Application Enrichment Fellowship Dale & Vivian Jackson EdD Award GA Inventory FAQ: Grad Assistantship & Tuition Scholarship GA Handbook Current Students expand or collapse menu Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Info for Faculty & Staff expand or collapse menu Forms for Faculty & Staff Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) for Graduate Students Allocations & Graduate Funding Professional Development Assignment (PDA) Summer Fellowship James F. Lubker Research Award Outstanding Graduate Faculty Teaching Award Distinguished Scholar Award Nominate Students for Awards Contact Us expand or collapse menu Graduate Campus Tours Give Back Announcements 2025-2026 Graduate Assistantship Appointment Dates Per the current UNI's approved academic calendar:the Fall 2025 Graduate Assistantship contract starts 8/25/2025 and ends 12/19/2025. The Spring 2026 appointment starts 1/21/2026 and ends 5/16/2026. 2025-2026 Graduate Assistantship Stipend The 2025-26 full-time Graduate Assistantship stipend amount is $6,180.00 per semester. The half-time appointment stipend is $3,090.00 per semester. This amount is flat and the same for all graduate programs. 2025-2026 Tuition Scholarship amount The value of the Graduate Tuition Scholarship is based on the graduate in-state tuition rate, which is $5,115.00 per semester. The half scholarship's value is $2,557.50. Additionally, the quarter scholarship amount is $1,278.75 and the three quarter is $3,836.25.Only the scholarships allocated from Graduate Studies should be sent through the GC10 system. Any other type of department, grant, or foundation-funded scholarship awarded to graduate students should be reported to the Financial Aid office by the awarding unit through a FW90 roster. Posting GA openings Academic Units: All GA postings must follow specific language and will be approved before posting. Academic units can post the GA opening on the departmental website or on Handshake. If posting on the departmental website, follow this example. On Handshake, students will be directed to apply "through an external link," using the Graduate Assistantship online application form. Always contact to process and set up all necessary UNIWorks steps. When reviewing applications and making decisions, make sure you treat all applicants equally and consistently without biases.Academic Support Units: GA positions for Academic Support Units will be advertised through Handshake so all prospective GAs can properly find openings. On Handshake, students must use the Graduate Assistantship online application form. All assistantship postings must follow specific language and will be approved before posting. Any GA opening will be emailed to all current grad students. Always contact to process and set up all necessary UNIWorks steps. When reviewing applications and making decisions, make sure you treat all applicants equally and consistently without biases. Helpful Resources GA Pay Schedule GA Position Description Template GA Performance Evaluation Form General Information Student Requirements The requirements for a Graduate Assistantship and/or a Graduate Studies Tuition Scholarship are:Follow the maximum support rule. Eligible students who received an Assistantship and/or Tuition Scholarship from your department previously have priority; but students will not be eligible beyond 4 semesters. 3rd-year students from 3-year programs are exempt from this rule.Full-time enrollment in 9 qualifying credits.Having undergraduate transcripts on file.Being admitted without provisions to degree status in a graduate degree program.Having and maintaining good academic standing (Undergrad GPA of 2.75 or higher)All prior semester grades need to be posted for the GPA to be verified.Students with a grade of “I” (Incomplete) cannot start their Assistantship until a grade is posted.Must be an individual or alien authorized to work in the United States (complete verification of identity and employment authorization through an I-9 timely).View all criteria in the GA Handbook. Rescinding funding BEFORE the semester starts Awarded students should revisit their offers and decline the funds electronically by clicking on the link given while letting the Graduate Studies Division know ( Graduate Studies can also decline offers by request of the Department. Rescinding funding AFTER the semester starts Graduate Assistantship: If a GA rescinds after the semester starts, a revised GC10 offer (indicating prorated stipends) should be processed. The Graduate Studies will provide the new stipend and adjusted payment amounts based on an end date. Always discuss termination with and inform withdrawals to the Division of Graduate Studies.Tuition Scholarship: To rescind a scholarship, students need to decline the offer electronically. The Graduate Studies will process the scholarship removal and the student will owe the scholarship on their u-Bill. Refer to the following rule based on the time of the semester that this withdrawal occurs:"if the student withdraws from the semester or from the university due to a personal, family, or medical emergency, the tuition scholarship will be honored and applied to the UBill, based on the schedule below. This follows the percentages of tuition and fees refund policy. The percentages are the amount of scholarship that is removed (i.e: withdrawal during week 1, removes 90% of the value of the scholarship):Week 1 – 90%Week 2 – 75%Week 3 – 50%Week 4 – 25%Week 5 and beyond – student gets to keep the entire award. GC10 Electronic Offer Form system If you received any Original or Extra allocation when completing a GC10 form and using your allocated awards, please select "GS-Original Allocation" or "GS-Extra Allocation" or "ODE-Original Allocation" as "Funding Type," respectively. Select your organization name as the “Funding Department” when submitting Original Allocation for GAs and/or TS. If you select another unit, your offer form will be incorrectly submitted and it might not reach the Graduate Studies on time for revision. Termination of Assistantship Appointments A graduate assistantship appointment may be terminated for cause, including, but not limited to:Failure to complete I-9 form hire paperwork on timeFailure to meet the eligibility criteriaNeglect of duties or incompetencePersonal conduct that violates UNI student conduct code policy 3.02 state and federal lawUnsatisfactory performanceView all causes in the GA Handbook. Graduate Assistant Performance Appraisals All GAs must receive a formal performance appraisal, using the GA Performance Appraisal Form, based on their job description, by their supervisor as follows:An informal self-appraisal, conducted 8 weeks after the student’s start date.A formal appraisal, using the GA Performance Appraisal form, is conducted at the end of the semester or appointment.At any point during the semester, additional performance appraisals may be conducted at the request or need of the GA or their supervisor.The performance evaluation should be kept in the GA’s personnel file in the department for at least 3 years.Any unsatisfactory evaluations or discipline issues, and all related documentation, need to be reported.Performance that does not meet expectations may impact the renewal of the GA and, in certain circumstances, it may lead to the cancellation of accepted GA offers. GA Handbook Performance Appraisal Archive 25-26 GA Performance Evaluation Form24-25 GA Evaluation Form