Graduate Assistants Pay Schedule
Use the following resource to get acquainted with our new UNI Works dates and paydays for your Graduate Assistantship appointment.
Remember that GAs do not work during the Thanksgiving (Fall) or the Spring breaks.
Fall 2024 pay dates
Pay Period Start Date | Pay Period End Date | # of weeks worked btw pay dates | Pay date | Amount to pay for 20-hour GA | Amount to pay for 10-hour GA |
8-25-2024 | 9-7-2024 | 2 | 9-18-2024 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
9-8-2024 | 9-21-2024 | 2 | 10-2-2024 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
9-22-2024 | 10-5-2024 | 2 | 10-16-2024 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
10-6-2024 | 10-19-2024 | 2 | 10-30-2024 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
10-20-2024 | 11-2-2024 | 2 | 11-13-2024 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
11-3-2024 | 11-16-2024 | 2 | 11-27-2024 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
11-17-2024 | 11-30-2024 | 1 (Fall break) | 12-11-2024 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
12-1-2024 | 12-14-2024 | 2 | 12-24-2024 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
12-15-2024 | 12-28-2023 | 1 | 1-8-2025 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
Spring 2025 pay dates
Pay Period Start Date | Pay Period End Date | # of weeks worked btw pay dates | Pay date | Amount to pay for 20-hour GA | Amount to pay for 10-hour GA |
1-12-2025 | 1-25-2025 | 1 | 2-5-2025 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
1-26-2025 | 2-8-2025 | 2 | 2-19-2025 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
2-9-2025 | 2-22-2025 | 2 | 3-5-2025 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
2-23-2025 | 3-8-2025 | 2 | 3-19-2025 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
3-9-2025 | 3-22-2025 | 1 (spring break) | 4-2-2025 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
3-23-2025 | 4-5-2025 | 2 | 4-16-2025 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
4-6-2025 | 4-19-2025 | 2 | 4-30-2025 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
4-20-2025 | 5-3-2025 | 2 | 5-14-2025 | $666.67 | $333.34 |
5-4-2025 | 5-16-2025 | 2 | 5-28-2025 | $666.67 | $333.34 |