Jason Cox


Graduate Admissions Coordinator

Jason Cox headshot

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Jason Cox


Graduate Admissions Coordinator


Jason assists with admissions and recruitment at the graduate level, and helps train program coordinators and support staff on systems used for reviewing and processing graduate applications. He works closely with faculty and staff across various departments and academic units including Admissions, the Registrar's Office, and Online & Distance Education. Jason also fields queries from applicants and helps them navigate the application process, while providing outreach and engagement to prospective students. Within the Division of Graduate Studies, Jason helps analyze admissions and enrollment data, and assists with onboarding efforts for new and incoming graduate students. He appreciates being able to work on a variety of topics on campus and continually learn new things about all the moving parts that help provide a positive experience for our students.

  • Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP), Michigan State University
  • BA English, Texas A&M University

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